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Tactical Strength Challenge

We're excited to host this event and we invite you to join the #OMP TSC Squad for this year!

Spectators welcome!

What is the TSC (The Tactical Strength Challenge)?

It’s a strength competition consisting of three events:

  • A three-attempt powerlifting deadlift

  • Pullups for max reps

  • Kettlebell snatches for max reps in a 5:00 time period


The old saying goes, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” Training is no different. If you lack a specific goal, the time you spend training may easily become a collection of random acts.

The StrongFirst Tactical Strength Challenge is a goal worthy of your efforts.

The three exercises that make up the Tactical Strength Challenge are:

A max powerlifting deadlift (three attempts)

Pull-ups for max reps (palms forward, no kipping, the chin must clear the bar) or a flexed arm hang (in the Novice Women’s category)

Kettlebell snatches for max reps in a 5:00 time period (unlimited hand switches and different weights for different competitor categories).

Preparing requires your focus on different types of strength and endurance—as demanded by real life’s challenges.

Click Here: Tactical Strength Challenge Participant Registration

September 24

All-Terrain Conditioning Seminar

November 19

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